So this post is a project for a masters degree course I'm taking. The assignment states:
"Photographs of stellar birthplaces (i.e. molecular clouds) and death places (e.g. planetary nebulae and supernova remnants) can be strikingly beautiful, but only a few such photographs are included in this chapter. Search the Web for additional images. Look not only for photos taken in visible light, but also for those taken in other wavelengths. Put the photographs you find into a personal online journal, along with a one-paragraph description of what each photograph shows. Include at least 20 images."
I'm pretty excited to not just show some pictures of nebulae but show some of MY pictures. Astrophotography is a hobby of mine and I've got a few pictures to post and discuss. I'll also include a couple pictures from friends and a few "professional" images from the web. Below is a picture of the telescopes and equipment I use:
1. The summer Milky Way

2. A collage of Messier Objects in the Milky Way, including the Trifid Nebula and Ring Nebula.

3. Ghost of Jupiter Nebula

4. The Horsehead and Flame Nebulae

5. M78

6. The Great Nebula in Orion with the Running Man Nebula.

A photographers' favorite and one you can easily see with the naked eye. Orion lies in the sword, below Orion's belt (seen below in the "map" image of the Orion region.) The super bright central region is home to some very young stars. It's actually not that bright through a telescope - it's just a limit to the camera recording both very bright and very dim areas of the nebula at the same time. The Running Man is the fainter nebula to the left in the wider-field photo (the dark lanes resemble legs and a body).
7. The Orion Constellation

8. The Lagoon Nebula

9. M1 - The Crab Nebula

A stunning Supernova remnant high in the winter sky. It corresponds to the bright nebula seen by the Chinese in 1054. Being so recent, the expansion of the nebula has been measured in recent times. The strong pulsar left over in the middle acts as a convenient radiation source that lies along the ecliptic - lending itself as a laboratory tool to study objects that eclipse it (the Sun, Saturn).
10. The Dumbbell Nebula
11. The Seven Sisters

The very recognizable Pleiades is actually an open star cluster of very bright B-type stars. The reflection nebula is actually unrelated to the formation of the cluster and just reflects and diffuses the bright blue light from the stars. Even though it's called the "Seven" Sisters, only 6 stars can be resolved with the naked eye. Maybe the seventh-brightest star - a variable star - was brighter in antiquity, or maybe ancient people just liked seven as a nice round - er, prime, number.
12. The Owl Nebula

13. The Ring Nebula
14. The Sombrero and Pinwheel Galaxies

OK, I know these are galaxies not Nebula, but I'm including them for the sake of seeing star-forming regions outside of our own galaxy. The edge-on Sombrero is surrounded by a unique ring of dust which scientists believe is the primary star-forming material in the galaxy. My top-down view of the Pinwheel shows faint knots of nebulosity similar to what you'd find in our own galaxy. Unfortunately I took this picture before the recent supernova in the Pinwheel, or else it would be visible as a bright region in the galaxy. I doubt we'll be seeing the supernova remnant at such a distance though. :)
15. The Cigar Galaxy - Me vs Hubble, Spitzer, and Chandra

The fist pic is one of mine of the Cigar Galaxy. It shows dark star-forming clouds obscuring the galaxy center. The other picture on the other hand is a composite image from Hubble, Spitzer and the Chandra X-ray Observatory of energetic dust and gas surrounding the galaxy. It is definitely one of my favorite pictures.
16. The Propeller Nebula

17. The Eagle Nebula with the Pillars of Creation by Hubble

This first one was take by another friend. You can make out the shape of an eagle in flight if you use your imagination. The lower photo is a zoomed in view of the central pillar of gas taken by Hubble. It has been dubbed the Pillars of Creation, as it is stars in the process of being born. Quite inspiring.
18. The North America Nebula

I have to include a few pictures taken by people and equipment much more capable than me and my hobby setup. The North American Nebula is an impressively large nebula in the Summer Milky Way. I like the different pics taken in infrared. The photographers employed a technique known as false color mapping, in which different wavelengths and spectral data is assigned different colors to enhance the details. Can you spot Florida, Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico in the visible light images?
19. The California Nebula

Another pro pic. And another geographical name for it's appearance. The image was taken with a Hydrogen Alpha filter, only showing the light emitted by the changing energy level of hydrogen gas. It's very abundant in the galaxy, but hard to see with the naked eye due to it's faint red color.
20. Hubble's Helix Nebula

Two pictures by Hubble of a planetary nebula. These pics really exhibit the advantage of having a space-based telescope above atmospheric disturbance - really high resolution. You can see the gas and dust being "blown" away from the central star. Interestingly, each of those little "knots" - excluding the tail - is about the size of our solar system.
21. The Tarantula Nebula

One more bonus picture. This nebula is only visible in the Southern Hemisphere and is huge, relatively speaking; 1000 light years across. This image was taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope in the infrared wavelength, demonstrating another advantage of space-based telescopes - getting above the IR-absorbing effects of the atmosphere.
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